Product Served Scope Delivered
Technologies used
Data storage reader Algorithm, Hardware design, Performance evaluation in FPGA, ASIC implementation support IC F2F, Sequence detection, Timing recovery, AES/DES
Wireline modem Algorithm, hardware design, Performance evaluation in FPGA and IC, ASIC implementation support, channel and circuit characterization IC OFDM, concatenated FEC, tens of Mbps, Bitloading, AES/DES, CSMA/CA
WPAN modem Specification, algorithm, hardware design Verilog RTL OFDM, Multi-Gbps / Beamforming
Cable modem Specification, algorithm, hardware design, performance evaluation in FPGA, RF/channel characterization FPGA OFDM, hundreds of Mbps, Bitloading, Convolutional code
Multi-giga bps
WLAN modem
Specification, algorithm, hardware design, performance evaluation in FPGA, RF and channel characterization FPGA OFDM, MIMO, LDPC, Multi-Gbps
WLAN modem
Specification, algorithm, hardware design, performance evaluation in ASIC/FPGA, RF and channel characterization FPGA/IC OFDM, MIMO, convolutional code, Hundreds of Mbps
WLAN modem
Algorithm, hardware design, performance evaluation in FPGA/ASIC RF and channel characterization FPGA/IC OFDM/CCK/DSSS, SIMO
Zigbee and variants Specification, algorithm, hardware design, Performance evaluation in FPGA FPGA
Verilog RTL
CCK/OQPSK/BPSK, 1Mbps, 40/250kbps
Bluetooth 2.1 Algorithm, hardware design C code FSK/PSK, 1-3Mbps
RFID reader Algorithm, hardware design Verilog RTL OOK, 40 - 640kbps
Locationing system Algorithm, hardware design Verilog RTL DSSS, 3m resolution
Homeplug/PRML Algorithm C code OFDM, 13Mbps/ Baseband
Telemetry receiver Algorithm, hardware design, Performance evaluation in FPGA FPGA SOQPSK, PCM/FM, up to 10Mbps, Convolutional code, Sequence detection